About the Steadham Spade Artwork:
Immediately after his debut pro contest at Pipeline, Steadham placed second at the Eagle Rock ramp contest, then fourth at Nebraska's Midwest Melee. When Stacy and George finally gave him a model in 1985, the Stecyk-drawn Rasta-skull graphic and sidecut shape helped propel Steadham's signature deck toward the top of the company's bestsellers at the time. Near the end of 1985, with a decision he says he now regrets, Steadham quit the Bones Brigade.
Originally Released: 1985
Artwork by: Craig Stecyk
• long 4 - 2.5" old school truck hole pattern
• original shape, concave, wheel-wells, and truck hole pattern
Powell-Peralta™ Re-Issue Construction
Powell-Peralta re-issue decks are close reproductions of their 1980’s counterparts, featuring the original Pro graphics and shape, top graphic logo and concave.